So my predicament is that I live in a 2-family home with the neighbors sleeping directly above my side of the garage. I have a newly installed FI cat-back + high-flow cats, and I leave at 6:00AM each morning to drive to work.
Because the Z runs "louder" for the first 30 seconds or so while it warms up, let's just say there's no possible way my neighbors are still sleeping once I push that red GT-R start button
Thoughts for being more courteous? I was thinking of buying some insulating foam and lining a couple of 5-10 gallon buckets that I could situate so they sit behind my car in front of the mufflers. Think that would deaden the sound enough while it warms up for 30s? At warmed-up idle it's not loud at all.
My current approach is to move as fast as possible to start the car and get it on the road away from the house haha.