I've not had time to write the graphing program. Once I know what the log file looks like, then I can write the code to parse the rows and columns of data.
Today ambient temps hovered around 65F for the high. With the engine bay cooler than usual throttle response is the way it should be. I can press the pedal close to 50% in 1st and 2nd and be able to get the car moving immediately with no delay.
Of course, after a longer duration of the drive (15+ min.) the throttle starts lagging and doesn't open up as much as anticipated. I can floor it in 2nd and 3rd. The exhaust gets loud, but the car doesn't seem to accelerate much at all. It's very gradual as if throttle isn't opening up fully.
Then I make a quick stop to get stuff. Get back in and get moving, and throttle response is normal again for several minutes.
I'm not quite sure if Sprint Booster is going to fix this problem especially when I try to floor it and the car barely accelerates, but only when it's cooler.