Originally Posted by Cunnos
I hate every person who drives a Prius. They are almost as bad a BMW drivers. They act like they are better than anyone else on the road and I swear, every time i see one i feel like they try and piss me off....."oooh look at me in my ugly car saving the earth, oooh im better than everyone else"---sweet go drive off a cliff
They're not fooling anyone with those ugly "eco" cars. The carbon footprint of the Prius factory, the strip mines needed for the parts/batteries/electric engine, the chemicals, the run off, and not to mention the plastics FROM OIL that gives them the plush interior to act like a snob from is FAR WORSE than if they had just bought a 10 year old Civic.
If they really cared about the planet they should have bought a used car. Instead, they buy a status symbol so they'd have a reason to act like jerks.