Originally Posted by Justin1686
Don't go to Massapequa Nissan. I haven't been in the showroom in at least a month, but did you notice that there is no Sticker on the car in the showroom, and its being marked up $6k.... I got mine from Habberstad in Huntington. Go there, the guys at Massapequa are hit or miss. If you go to Habberstad, go talk to John or Ken, they're both very good. Ken is newer, only spoke to him a few times, but i've dealt with John in the past, I didn't get my car from either of them, but the guy i got mine from isn't a saleman there, he's higher up and only sells to previous customers. So forget Sequa Nissan..
Glad to see I'm not the only one that had a terrible time at Massapequa Nissan. If you don't mind me asking, what did your pricing look like at Habberstad? I might drive out there tomorrow or Wednesday and check it out.
Thanks again!