Originally Posted by FlashBazbo
Forrest, I hope Zaino is paying you a commission! Those photos are an incredible testimonial for their products. Just placed my order.
No, i dont get a commision. I find zaino can be the hardest to use but if you can do it right, nobody can beat your shine, also i dont think many products last as long.
Also if you have a black car, you have to take the photos in "overcast" if you take the photo of the black z in direct sunlight you will see the metal flakes in the paint and it does not come out as well. It also helpls if you do it over grass. I dont know why but if you use green grass + overcast day for a black car is great.
Nissan 370Z Forum - Forrest's Album: 370z
When i get time, i will do a full wright up on how i do it, and the problems i come across. I guess i am still a newbie at it, but i still know how to do it some what decently.