Originally Posted by rli2bcz
damn good camera
Thanks, it isn't all the camera though...
A lot goes into the comp of a photo, for example, what are you looking for the pictures message to send if based on a subject, i can't express lighting enough, lighting is key. Practice, is everything too, for me this is one of the best photo's i have shot in a couple years as i put the hobby down. If lets say for example you chose to spend your time on photo forums, instead of here or just allotted some time, to that, and made it of interest you could pick it up just as fast as you would with installing a twin turbo on the 370...not the best comparison, but never the less.
Ive had my 50d for about 2-3mo First DSLR before that i was using high end point and shoots, i outgrew them didn't have the money to go dslr one day i said screw it and acquired it. From then it has grown, and become more of who i am again, as i lost myself while i was in the military.
sorry for the rant but hopefully that helps explain that it is about your desire and willing to learn, not just your gear, this night i shot about 100-150 images before i finally got what i wanted, different settings and adjustments.(some nights when i was getting back behind the lens i will shoot if i have time up to about 500-1000 and get nothing because there is a lot to figure out)