Sweet! A Dbag thread! I was driving home from work one night, I noticed headlights coming up from the rear approaching pretty quickly. I moved over to the right lane to let him fly by. It was a 350z with 2 guys probably in their late teens early 20s.
I thought I was done with that experience until they hit their brakes gets even with my car revs it then take off. I didn't bite, since although I enjoy driving a fast car, I really don't like proving that I can go fast. They do this 3 times. The fourth time, the guy in the passenger side flips me off and yell something which I couldn't understand since I had the radio on pretty loud cuz i had my windows down. I just looked at him smiled and gave him a nod then they take off flying again. The only reason I caught up to these fellas was because a cop had pulled them over. As I was passing them, I slowed down, smiled and gave them a nod.
Ok..I guess I was a douche for that last part but I just couldn't help it.
Yeah..there was a reason why I wasn't speeding that night on that stretch of the highway.