okay, past a 350 today...I honked to establish contact. Person made eye contact and gave me a "whatever dude" kinda look. Thats the last time I'll ever do that.
I also saw an Altima coupe...looks like the dude took pretty good care of it and it was "suped up" with rims and the like...I get a pompous feeling when i drive up to Altima coupes...i dont know why. So i drive up to the guy...he doesnt even turn an eye...but you can read jealousy all over his expression. I wonder what is going through his mind.
Does anyone rev their engine at stop lights? I find myself doing that too (not excessively)
I know, i sound like a douche...but you know, I'm just proud of my baby.
Last edited by Naytch; 09-26-2010 at 05:14 AM.