Just checking back from Dallas, fuk the rain!! Had a little while where we had to quit drifting but it quit soon enough and we got back out there and had a blast!
Originally Posted by res0zsfa
niceeeee! maybe black out the fangs??
-When i get the cash im getting the Amuse kit i think
Originally Posted by Jordo!
I like the wheels
Regarding the "roll call", are you sponsored by all those companies...?
-NST did all the work, and cut me a huge deal on it all so their logo rides there and underground graphics cut me a deal to throw them on there as well haha. The rest of it tho , no i am not sponsored. Thing is ive grown up looking at the mags and have that "image" in my head forever. So when i had the chance to do it, and keep it tastefull i took it. Flame on if you want :P
Originally Posted by frost
I hate front plates with such a passion. Everyone should register here in AZ 
-haha meh i dont even notice to be honest and i couldent take it off if i wanted to since the bumber would show where the plate sat.
Originally Posted by CrownR426
Looks beautiful!
I want to see some pics on the track, NOW!
-Hopefully this weekend!!
Originally Posted by jamaica951
looks like baby tires. Nice job so far.
LOL, yea 19s would be better but those are my track wheels, i expect them to get thrashed so i wanted to take a pic while they still looked clean!
If you guys can come on out the the XDC Drift in Dallas on Sat. Its going to be an absolute blast!!