Originally Posted by ARFCOM
I have a 370Z and that's all I'd want to have on my t-shirt or hoodie.
The images are too hard to see and don't look like a group of cars at first glance.
then youll have to wait until AK and I make a hoodie or zipup specifically for The370z.com at some point...this design is meant to encompass ALL Z owners...not just the 370z guys...i made the Z34 the most prominent because its the current generation
Originally Posted by ARFCOM
The flowery 'vines' around the edges are too girly for my taste.
flourish patterns are very common in design trends today...it seems to be a 50/50 split for people who like them and who dont
Originally Posted by ARFCOM
What does 'descent' even refer to?
a quick trip to dictionary.com...
de·scent /dɪˈsɛnt/ [dih-sent]
1. the act, process, or fact of descending.
2. a downward inclination or slope.
3. a passage or stairway leading down.
derivation from an ancestor; lineage; extraction.