Chivalry in not dead! My encounter with a 09-010, black Porsche Cayman S.
On my way to a car show today, as I was entering a construction zone on route 33 with the left lane closing, I noticed a beautiful black Porsche, Cayman S , just as glass shiny and well keep as my black "Z"car, we were side by side looking and admiring each other's car, as the lane was closing I on the left slowed to allow him to go in front , he excepted , in doing so I fell behind him but a white Mercedes Benz would not allow me to slip back behind the Cayman S,

I had allowed in front, insisting in getting me to get behind him or at worse to make me come to a complete stop..
Then the Cayman S slowed in front of the white Mercedes Benz blocking his advances to cut me off, making the white Mercedes just about come to a full stop, waved for me go in front of him.
We waved at each other as I took the next exit.
Thanks stranger, in the great looking black Porsche Cayman S, you made my day!