another "which exhaust is better" thread. OP, everyone is going to chime in with their opinion of the exhaust they own or have owned, thats how these all turn out, "Ooooh, I have the Fast Intentions, man its so loud, but quiet at idle!! THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THE END ALL AND BE ALL OF EVERRRRRYTHING!!!!" then you got the Stillen guys "Oh man, the tips dont stick out like everyone claims and it sounds amaaaazing!!", then somewhere someone butts in with a comment like "I've seen the so and so exhaust and it looks riced out", and then it turns into a pissing match from there. I had the Stillen, I liked it, but ultimately, you're the consumer, listen to some clips, find out if someone in your town has the setup you're curious about and listen to it in person, I cant think of a better way to help you make a decision man. All these threads end up the same, everybody pitching THEIR setup to someone else.