Originally Posted by kenchan
no joke, some article i read NuFinish had the longest durability vs others like NXT, Ice, etc. off-the-shelf comparison. like i mentioned above, i dont use it but worth a try if someone wants to polymer their car.
as for zaino, they are sealants. polymers are generally considered sealants. in a big divide, carnauba is wax, polymers are sealants. im surprised you dont know this. 
I am very familiar with this and thus the question. Which Zaino product are you calling a sealant? Zaino was one of the first products I used and in talking with Sal Zaino, I don't remember him ever calling any of his products, "sealants". He always insisted that they are "polishes".
As for Nu-Finish, just as long we realize that it is on par with over the counter stuff, not the likes of some of the more professional products being mentioned here.