Originally Posted by molamann
Correct me if I'm wrong but Syntha-6 is just probably a Casein blend. You take it at night along with other fatty food(healthy) such as peanut butter or cottage cheese and it'll keep your metabolism going throughout the night.
Amount of protein intake is debatable but the formula I provided is not just by random meatheads on the internet, it's been around for a while approved various scientific community.
T-Nation.com | Protein Debate
Is Too Much Protein Unhealthy and Bad for Your Kidneys? | Fitness Black Book
As long as your kidneys are normal, staying active, and staying hydrated, OP shouldn't have much of a problem.
are you kidding me. 400g of protein (if we assume that the the OP weighs 200lbs) intake per day is an extreme excess. The articles mentioned are so flawed in studies because their controls use sports athletes that don't account for other "sports enhancing substances." Post something from a reputable dietitian or science journal that says 2g of protein is safe, then maybe there would be more backing. Prolonged intake of 400g of protein a day will cause all sorts of problems. Just off the top of my head, high cholesterol and kidney problems.
Don't get me wrong, athletes benefit from a higher amount of protein than recommended from the RDA. However, the human body is all about balance. If you're placing more stress on your body, the extra protein will benefit in the recovery process. But, if you give your body 400g of protein not only will most of it be passed out due to excess, but will place stress on the kidneys after prolonged high levels of protein. Balance is key.