First off I know I'm kinda in the wrong forum. I signed up just to begin following and learning about the 370's because it WILL be my next car. I have an RSX now and I posted on my usual forum and everyone was acting like a douche about helping out at all an from what I had seen on the forums here most people are much nicer about helping out whenever they can. So here's my issue. I've considered for a while having the lips of my wheels painted red(I've never seen gunmetal wheels with a red lip, only ones I can find are black with a red lip), I am gonna have small curb marks and nicks touched up soon and the guy said he wouldn't charge any extra to paint them since the lip would have to be re-cleared completely. Could someone with the know how, photoshop the wheel lips red and maybe like a darker silver type color. Also any other color suggestions would be appreciated. I'm thinking of a bright red that goes with the taillights. I apologize for all the crappy phone pics but thats the only camera I have. Hopefully there's enough pics here to find a good one to work with though. Thanks in advance for any input and help anyone can give me







