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Old 09-18-2010, 06:30 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vifferman View Post
I'm suspect here. If this issue applied only to an early production run, I might accept the "sharp edges" diagnosis; but in fact, both early and late editions of the roadster seem to exihibit the problem equally; and some report no problem at all. My example (just 4 months old, with moderate top down/up usage) shows a noticable "pinch/indentation" but no sign of tearing. I will visit my dealer soon for the iPhone update, and inspection of the top issue. Will advise.

Yes, I agree, this whole issue is very weird to say the least, and frankly I feel it's useless to guess and speculate, which I am plenty guilty of doing.

It would be great if we could get an accurate number regarding who has the tears, and when their Z was made and the average times the top was operated over how many months.

If there's a manufacturing glitch that caused this, I wouldn't think that we have to operate the top a thousand times to find out whether or not we will have this tearing issue.

Seems like operating the top a couple of times a week for at least three months would either create the tear, indicate that it's starting, or indicate that it is probably not going to happen at all.

My Z was made in July of 2009, took delivery December 2009.
Began driving it April 2010.
Top operated around two times a week over the last 5 months.

At present time: No tear, creasing or indication of any problem at all. The top looks just like brand new.
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