from what he said they have the ability to do it they just don't have the time or see the need for it. The work they said they were considering doing for it was going to be a retune, not giving you control over it. He did say they were going to look and see if the nismo tune had any differences in the vvel and that would be available.
They did seem like they were skirting the issue and trying to drown us out by saying it would cost them thirty grand, and he would need 10 cars given to him that he would be able to beat on and we would have to pay for any rebuilds or parts that broke, which would all have to be readily available. and when i told him i could get him one car (mine) he paused for about 10 seconds and then told me that he might have to have it for 6 months or more which i said was fine, and then he told me it could take years so i think they were just trying to shut me up and say they don't want to do it, without actually saying it. This kind of RD cost to me seems outrageous, given the nature of software development, and that is there is little to no capitol required to do it, he did make some valid points though that i see as problems and that would be volume of sales, the amount of gains being unkown, needing to have a vehicle to work on (I thought they were buying one weren't they?), needing a dyno to run it on (shame a tuning company that develops software doesn't have one of those), and his backlog of projects (which seems like a shortfalling of resources and manpower). I think it's unfortunate they aren't bigger and better equipped to handle some of the daunting projects they have available, They have a good product, and the ability to do it just not the resources a larger company would have that would make it possible and timely. It would be awesome if stillen or gtm or someone big like them could just suck up uprev in a corporate takeover and that would solve all our problems.
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Last edited by 1slow370; 09-18-2010 at 01:00 AM.