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Old 09-16-2010, 01:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Need Help Identifying a Z

So I have a much bigger version of this pic on my wall. I was staring at it the other day and I noticed while there are only 6 generations of Zs, there is 7 cars pictured. I need help identifying the car that is 2nd from the left. I'm under the impression the first car from the left is a 240z and the third car in is the 280zx. I can't tell if the second car is a 280z (then why isn't there a pic of the 260?) or if its a series 1 280zx next to a series 2 280zx. Hopefully someone with a much better understanding of older Z's will be able to chime in on which model it is and either why they left out the 260z or why they put up both series 280zx. It's been driving me crazy since. I have been tearing google up trying to find an answer.

Thank you
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