Originally Posted by TheWeatherman
Here's the problem about what you say about this, which I do understand your side. If you own a Jeep, go off roading, jump it off some small hills, or hit some rocks hard and knock it's alignment and suspension off, does that mean Jeep has to provide you with free alignments and tougher suspension hardware? It's kind of a devil's advocate question. Where do you draw the line if you're them? I know what we'd like, but what's realistic?
This is why I'm not really clamoring for a free upgrade from Nissan. Most people in most climates, driving like most people do, aren't going to limp mode their car. They probably won't even break 260, or if they do it will be very brief and the car will recover temps on its own. I'm fine with having to shell out some $$ for an oil cooler addon, I just think this should have been a warrantied factory option, and that Nissan should acknowledge the issue and reassure us they aren't going to go out of their way (in the legal sense) to blame anything on people installing aftermarket oil coolers in light of the lack of their own at launch.