Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
I am sad now.
The Mercedes is such a "mom" car, LOL. It is practical though and the right car for the moment, good luck with it.
Hopefully your Z days will be back soon.
It IS such a Mom car....you don't have to tell me that LOL!! You are SO right... (Thus, the sobbing when I was cleaning out my car...) But..I really am..just a Mom

My oldest daughter reminds me all the time that I need to stop "trying" to act cool, I'm old. Sigh..

(I don't really believe I'm old.)
I AM enjoying the EASE of getting in and out of the GL.

I have NEVER had a vehicle that is "easy" to get in or out of. It's always something Tall or Low. I've been hopping UP into cars and "falling" down into cars my whole life. This might be sort of nice.
The GL is way nice...it helps ease the pain. I am now looking to see what kinds of wheels I want to put on it. What a chore. The 20" stock ones aren't bad but I think I will change them soon.
I'll still be around here!