Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
"Looking to sell my 370 with manual, and find the same car in an auto so the wife can enjoy the car from time to time."
Well, while ANYTHING can happen, if you knew how nervous it made my wife to drive my cars..... no way is she ever going fast enough to ever do that. I am WAAAYYYYY to particular with my cars, so she normally doesnt even want to drive em.
If she is gonna drive my car, it starts like this:
OK hun,
Remember to not touch the glass when closing the door, touch the window weatherstripping behind the glass instead.
Watch pulling close to curbs, and dont pull to close, the nose is longer then your car.
Dont park by anyone in the parking lots, find an end space.
etc etc etc
While she already knows these things, after telling her time and time again, I still go through the same ceremony everytime.