Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
The Z outhandles the Mustang, but like I was saying, not by much. Stock for stock the Mustang will beat the Z on any track (save for maybe an autoX), it just won't put up the skidpad (.97 vs. .99) or slalom numbers the Z does. That's really it.
This is a very surprising car.
I said it before and I'll say it again. The 370Z reminded me a lot of a previous Mustang I owned. The Z to me is kind of like a Japanese Mustang... almost always the underdog and almost always exceeding expectations.
Both cars are excellent values and both cars take the fight to much, much higher end products. I'm lucky to have owned both. 
Z may be "a little bit better" in feel and handling, but it's not enough to offset the amount of power that the Mustang has. You can't say that the Z will be as fast as the Mustang on a track without saying that the Z will as fast as a E92 BMW M3 on a track...
Well... as long as the Z does not have an oil cooler, the Stang will ALWAYS beat it on the track.
There's no point for Nissan putting on a oil cooler now because what that will let mags do an objective comparison of the 370z vs. the 5.0 on a track and Nissan knows that the 370z will not be able to keep pace with the 5.0 on anything but an autox.