So.... I had a very similar problem... except mine never returned to normal. Took it to the shop hoping they could just bleed the line but no such luck. Their diagnosis: Slave cylinder weak and pressure plate fingers warped/worn. edit: from looking at the invoice it looks like they replaced the entire clutch assy and the slave cylinder... the service adviser I was dealing with didn't seem like he knew what was going on so getting information out of him was like pulling teeth and the info was suspect.... the guy that handled the long block replacement was great though.
On a side note... My clutch had always felt a little weird. It wasn't exactly smooth and as the clutch pedal was depressed you could feel some kind of rotational knocking.
My clutch feels smoother now and the knocking has went away.
Last edited by zilent_jay; 09-11-2010 at 06:50 PM.