My requirements. Daily Driver with "decent" mpg for a beast of a car.
EvoX Or ralliart. 370z. Corvette 2005+.
EvoX looks great, handles great. Price expensive
Ralli art, same as above, price really good. But they both have crap MPG.
Corvette finding a used one with 1 owner is hard and i was getting real skeptical of buying used sports car.
Corvette new, still in my price range but i was not looking to break the bank.
So it came down to Corvette and 370z. I already owned a 05 z and i loved it. I figured i dont need the extra power, i wanted it but i dont think i needed it.
So a new z, kind of better gas milage, decent power i must say. Its the brand i like it seems.
Maybe one day later, i can get a ralliart and a corvette.