I am sorry that I am making your PM public. But I think its only fair the community see's both sides of this story.
quote from your PM: "I wanted Kevin to ship out a wheel for each model that I was looking at and he would only send out one wheel. I choose the wheels that I have now because I saw them in person...and they were the last ones on my list that I liked...but when I saw them in person...I choose the set I have now. I am the customer and I am getting the short end of the stick...and I told Kevin that but I feel that Vossen is not bending my way and thinks that I should do all the bending when I souldnt have to bend or compromise at all."
How do you expect us to ship out 4 different sample wheels for you so you can see them in person and maybe pick one you like. That is unheard of. I think that kevin did a VERY NICE thing today and shipped you one sample wheel of the 085 wheel so you can see it in person.
I'm sorry but I really feel that we have offered you exceptional customer service. I really do not think it is fair that you are trying to suggest otherwise to the 370z community.