Okay guys I've been on this forum for awhile now and I know I haven't posted much but I've had enough... So Hackensack Nissan is the closest dealership to my house so I decided to go to them for ANY problems... FIRST MISTAKE! Back in March I notcied my car would seem like it was stalling or kind of bucking when I would drive it steady. And as I was driving my z on the highway it just turned off.. Thank God for Triple A! I had them tow it to Hacken Nissan located in Hackensack, NJ. The service manager calls me saying that they'll have to take a look at the problem and they'll call me right back. The next day I get a call from the service manager saying that they fixed the problem and it was because of low oil. AMAZED... This car is brand new and it was already giving ME problems! A few weeks later I find that my car is still acting up so I take it back to the dealership. They tell me that I need a new shortblock. I wait patiently for months and they finally receive the shortblock and they work on my Z. A week goes by and they say it's all good to go!
Couple days as I was getting some gas I noticed a strange smell like gasoline inside my Z!
I pull aside and pop my hood and find that this was leaking tons of liquid!
I called the dealership right away and they have me bring my Z back! I was furious! This was my second time at the dealership and not even a week went by without getting problems! I could've died driving my Z and the service manager and mechanic told me they probably forgot something!
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They fix it and I'm "good to go". Now a few months go by and I noticed my engine oil sign coming up on my dash. And I'm thinking to myself I didn't even drive too much but decided to change my oil. I pop my hood and I see engine oil all over my engine bay and when I took my bottom cover off it was smothered in engine oil.. AND GUESS WHO CHANGED MY OIL PREVIOUSLY? That's right Nissan of Hackensack.. I changed my oil and went to them. They blammed it on my aftermarket oil filter saying that was the cause. WHEN I JUST CHANGED MY OIL THAT DAY BEFORE I WENT TO THE DEALERSHIP! AMAZING I KNOW! This was the last strike for them I was done with this dealership... So today I decided to clean my Z. I popped open my hood and find this
LOVELY, another freaking problem!
I take it back to Hackensack Nissan and they blame it on me saying I took it to another shop for work. What work? I never took my Z to any other shop. And then they brought up the fact that I had an aftermarket oil filter from before, when I do my own oil change at home. That didn't even relate to this problem! So now they are charging ME $120.02 for PIPE ASSY AIR Part # 16576-EY00B without labor costs... They are blaming it on my aftermarket intakes. This is ridiculous, I expected great service from Nissan and they have been letting me down constantly. I refuse to pay for something that I did not do especially when this dealership always made mistakes on my Z. What do you guys think?!