Guys quick question...
i got my diffuser, put it on, and a few days later the right side has a SLIGHT sag/gap at the top (not noticable unless you know its there and really look for it).
because i'm really anal with stuff like this (even though nobody can see it) it is really frustrating me..
i am wondering - is this normal? ie is it a fujimura defect on the diffuser?
or did i not apply tape/pressure in that area and therefore thats what has happened?
If it is my fault, CAN i remove the diffuser (unbolt it) and re-do it? or once its on with the 3M VHB tape, its pretty much game over?
i've attached a pic (used Knives pic and just circled the spot where it is).
Any feedback would be great.. I hope its my fault and that i can remove it and re-do it again!