Originally Posted by Osiris
Enough said! I hate civics. No neon it is 
Based on this last response, either the entire thread was a joke to get people overexcited or Osiris really is someone that would hates Civics for some unmentioned reason.
As for the use of neon undercarriage lights, there is nothing wrong with them. We all add stuff to our car that we think looks good that really look tacky, but we press on with 'whatever floats your boat.' Shift knobs that don't match anything on the car, grilles or body kits that don't flow with the lines of the car, rims that ruin the look of a car and are heavy, with spokes that are too fat or too skinny all come to mind of the things we tolerate. But then we reach vinyl and neon. Neither add performance, but they can look good if executed properly. I saw a beautiful Trans-Am floating on a cloud of blue neon just the other night. It looked really good.
To each their own. If you live life to please others, you aren't living. I say go for it. Install some LED strips under the car and under the dash. You can even get them with the ability to change the colors so when you get tired of one color, you can change it, or just turn it to white for working under the car.