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Old 09-08-2010, 03:11 AM   #17 (permalink)
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ct63084 will become famous soon enough

I'm not going to hijack the thread we can argue all day about e-85 and what to do with your evo x. Yes you are right about evoxforums ownership but I disagree with the accusations, there is a lot of informative threads and a lot of helpful members bryan@gst, tephra, golden, hollywood, etc post frequently in that site. Evom I totally agree with I haven't been in that site for years, but the How-to section is pretty good. Don't limit yourself just because you think that forums is garbage there is still alot of good information on those forums.

I'm merely suggesting that maybe the OP should look up that site and learn from there other than asking question about evo x on the 370z forum.
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