Some good info here. It's a good stack, but as mentioned, BSN is overpriced.
Other than a good diet and consistent training, all you really need is a whey protein and a fast acting carb such as maltodextrin or glycomaize post-workout.
I like something pre-workout out though. The aforementioned Universal Storm is good. It's like no-xplode, but is cheaper, has more servings and only requires a single scoop. I'm currently taking Dymatize's caffeine-free Xpand pre-workout. Xpand is decently priced and contains enough creatine so that a separate creatine is not needed.
I also take fish oil and a multi-vitamin, but don't think those count as supplements. Everything is else is unnecessary IMO. However amino acids are excellent, but for the price, I would only purchase if I were cutting weight.
Last edited by sensi09; 05-10-2009 at 08:21 PM.