Originally Posted by jamaica951
What kind did you get?
idk man its clear LOL they call it "titanium" clear tint over here... i didnt believe it first, but my friend had it and it was a noticeably cooler in his 240.... i dont like dark tint even light black tint cuz i cant see well at night so this worked out wayyyy better... i actually had medium tint from the dealer but i ended up stripping it off after a month and almost smacking into a civic at night

it blocks off 99 uv rays and 45-55% heat

its kinda kool in the after noon cuz u can see the haze it puts out.... i cant decribe it but it looks kool kinda like a grayish see through gold?!? lmao...
i also did the oil change finally!!! fresssshhhh royal purple again

good for another 3500 miles...