Originally Posted by Zed_Man
That's about what I was expecting. No Huge thrills in the corner. Just wanted to get a good feel of her in a straight line mostly to see if I feel a big difference in a straight line vs my 370. I'm sure it won't tempt me enough to trade for my z or nothing. I know the z is a better all around car and a bigger thrill to drive. I'm sure I can still scare the hell out of him in the mustang though just like I have in the z lol. 
Actually, that statement is quite false.
The Mustang has a ton of advantages on the 370z and the 370z only has a few on the Mustang.
-less expensive
-vastly improved fit and finish
-much faster at almost every type of track (look at 5.0 vs E92 M3 Motortrend comparo)
-2+2 seating
-much greater trunk/interior space
-better fuel economy
-much cheaper to maintain: nearly all components including engine much cheaper to replace
-performance: acceleration, braking, roll-on acceleration
-responds much better to basic bolt ons and mods when compared $ to $
-potentially faster on a very tight track like an auto-x
-maybe slightly better interior quality but really negligible since you cannot get a Touring + Sport 370z for 2k within the price of a 5.0 6MT Coupe Premium.
370z has a major design flaw with engine oil temps that Nissan refuses to adequately address