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Old 09-04-2010, 09:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
Enthusiast Member
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Decatur, Alabama
Age: 36
Posts: 489
Drives: 2010 370z Nismo
Rep Power: 15
Nismo221 is on a distinguished road
Smile New and looking for some power gain imput

Im wanting to make some work power with my 2010 370z Nismo, mainly for dragging. Id like to focus on turbos, intake, and exhaust but also open to other upgrades.

Intake wise I have heard good things from Ingen systems, anyone have experience with them or suggest another.

Exhaust wise I have a Greddy SP2 catback system and Z1 testpipes on my 1990 300zx and I loved them, great sound "that im looking for" and amazing performance everyone wants. So I favor Greddy alittle, but again open to suggestions. Also need a good set of test pipes and so on....

Turbo wise ill be honest i dont know much about them.

I want to keep my 370z as a daliy driver but i want to get the most out of her. So I want to learn and know everything I can so please help.
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