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Old 09-03-2010, 05:00 AM   #392 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: new orleans
Posts: 3
Drives: 2008 350z
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neverenough is on a distinguished road

[QUOTE=bullitt5897;705516]Ok daniel, get this straight my car has been with Sam and several other shops over the past year. My car has 15k miles on it from about 8 months of driving on it. Now I make it clear to those who do work on my cars... You have a dealine that has to be met! I told sam that deadline and he is on schedule my car is also bouncing around from 3 different shops. This is a very realistic build time and what most people don't understand is that if you want your stuff done on time you have to be involved in the build. There are only a few cars that I know of that are at GTM for long periods of time and you know why that is???? Because some other *used to be GTM installer f@cked up the cars and sam has to go back through them and then wait out the legal battles so he can finish his work! I know several guys who have already sent there cars to GTM and had them back in 2 months or less.

Thank you and enjoy history [/QUOTE

My car was at GTM long before yours was and has only been worked on by GTM. Same build as yours, built, stroked, tt, fuel system w/ twin pumps, ect...It has been there since November. Maybe I should have set a dead line that had to be met then I would have my car back. There are always issues with any major build so you should consider yourself lucky to have the build going as smooth as it is.
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