Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I know what you mean! They won't even let me get on here at work. Something about our patients requiring monitoring of their cardiac drips and telemetry and other such nonsense. (I don't carry an iPhone because I would be tempted to reply to e-mails at work for that reason. I don't want to be like all the other people I see who have their face buried in their phone all the time).
I have looked, and the back-side of the engine is worth 25whp at most. Any one mod will get about 18whp.
If that mod is a cat-back, 18whp. If it is a set of HFC's, 18whp. However, if you do HFC and THEN cat-back, the CB is worth 5-8whp, and vis-versa.
From what I understand, 1 mod is worth 18whp give or take, the 2nd about 6.
I will skip the HFC's and just get an FI CB if I do decide to go this route and buy the car/get the mod. That way warranty is in NO WAY compromised. Compromising warranty for 6whp. Seriously fail.
I think your close, but there is something missing. As my full setup gained +40whp over the avg baseline with the intakes. I would agree that if you only gain 6hp with the addition of HFC then its not worth it. Its possible that CBE = +18 alone HFC = +18 alone HFC+CBE = 24 and intake gives +16ish ? Of course elevation, ambient temps and other factors can change this. But as a general assumption i think its pretty close.
In regards to the HFCs, i would say the best attribute was the sound. However, the worst part about the HFC is also the sound. Let me explain. Addition of the HFC added aN aggressive note, very deep and almost mean sounding. Unfortunately this also amplified the sound of the decel hiss. You will notice the hiss with the CBE alone. But soon as you toss the HFC on, it will become very prominent. Its all subjective to personal preferences of course. I would suggest finding someone local that has the mods your looking to install and go from there
