Originally Posted by Nitex
Sorry for the slow reply, work got busy and i was forced to do something! Rude i know, its like they actually want to build this plane finally (787 dreamliner).
I cant comment first hand on SRM as i heel and toe, plus i purchased base-base so i wouldn't be tempted with SRM laziness. Also with my upgrade plans i would have wasted a lot of the sport package. I did do the HFC and CB first, then the CAI. There was no issues with that setup that i noticed. In fact after first installing the intakes and throwing the lean code i was tempted with going back to stock intakes. But after cutting my car up for them there was no turning back. Plus it adds some wow factor under the hood. SOTP feel seemed fairly similar between the 2 stage upgrade. But the real grin factor came from the sound. And HFC + CBE will get you there in that regards 
I know what you mean! They won't even let me get on here at work. Something about our patients requiring monitoring of their cardiac drips and telemetry and other such nonsense. (I don't carry an iPhone because I would be tempted to reply to e-mails at work for that reason. I don't want to be like all the other people I see who have their face buried in their phone all the time).
I have looked, and the back-side of the engine is worth 25whp at most. Any one mod will get about 18whp.
If that mod is a cat-back, 18whp. If it is a set of HFC's, 18whp. However, if you do HFC and THEN cat-back, the CB is worth 5-8whp, and vis-versa.
From what I understand, 1 mod is worth 18whp give or take, the 2nd about 6.
I will skip the HFC's and just get an FI CB if I do decide to go this route and buy the car/get the mod. That way warranty is in NO WAY compromised. Compromising warranty for 6whp. Seriously fail.