Originally Posted by DIGItonium
That's nice to know to be able to maintain stock feel with the power to go when needed. Also, what is it like near 50% throttle and steady through the gears? I'm definitely going to try to push for Spring '11
 with your install!
At 50% the car is already pulling and you just see that tach and your MPH climbing nicely. Going through the gears is not a issue at all while on it. Honestly I think they are going in easier then what they did before i did the kit. Also looking at my boost controller that I have set to 7.6 psi, the boost comes fast, it is like I am instantantly there and it holds. I have had no over boost warning or any issues of that sort. I also do not hear the waste gates chattering or anything. The BOV while driving the car normally are very quit but when you romp on it and let go they make a very nice sound and it is pretty loud. I hope this answered your question if not let me know
Originally Posted by Dembflyr
So was it just a tune issue or was there another problem?
The tune is good. other then the shop said it was a little conservative and that it wasn't pulling timing as much as it could. I talked to SAM about this and were going to wait and see what it does with the boost controller. I know he said he was going to work on the new tune for me but I am in no rush for it. The car is running great and the power feels awsome. So what leaves to the issue was me. I had a exhaust leak at the header and that was causing issues.
Thanks for all your intrest everyone if you have any more questions, keep them coming I would be glade to answer everyones and to help put peoples mind at ease if they want to get one but are a little scared since are cars are new.