Originally Posted by Nitex
A tune will likely net you a few more HP/tq, as well as get your AF ratios to a desired level. Slight performance increase with a possible increase or decrease in MPG depending on were your AF lands. Our ECU is fairly adaptive, as my car has a safe AF ratio and made some good power from the bolt on mods and im still on stock tune.

So basically, a tune on a stock car is worth the same % gain as a tune on a modded car, as the ECU is adaptive enough that you get the same % power from your mods either way, pretty much?
PS. You layed down 299 whp on a MUSTANG dyno SAE corrected? Is that what I am seeing? Mods at the time?
PSS. After looking at your dyno graph and A/F, it looks like avg. hp/tq could SLIGHTLY benefit from a tune, but not a whole ton. Mainly the car might feel a bit "smoother", but it doesn't drop off bad at all when your A/F dips. Nice!
Is "Syncrorev" still "accurate"? Or is it jerky now?