Originally Posted by Josh@STILLEN
Are you taking the precautions of angled entries into driveways and analyzing potential issues? Usually after driving a lowered vehicle for any period of time it kind of gets embedded..
I have issues with cruising in trucks with friends.. and the general abandonment they can have with speed bumps, driveways.. stuff in the road.. lol
I find myself cringing all the time, because it's such the opposite to a low car. Kinda feel like a baby.. haha
Unfortunately that seems to be a problem for me as well in my town....... lots of uneven surfaces. I angle into my driveway daily, and still scrap a little. I'd love the Eibachs..... will have to think about the tradeoff with scraping. I also think the scraping is less spoiler and more the two airflow diverters in front of the front wheels, really low.