Thread: 370z vs 300zx
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Old 05-08-2009, 08:45 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Modshack View Post
Pardon me for asking, but have you ever tracked a car? Based on the HP numbers you are throwing out I would assume "NO" Unless by track, you mean Drag strip. If we are talking road course, I have plenty of friends making less than 200WHP that can put a good hurting on a Corvette making twice those numbers. 750 hp would be an unmaneageable beast to say nothing of it's potential for extensive maintenance and the need to beef up most every other system on the car. Track performance does not require brute horsepower. It requires finesse, balance and driving skilz. Top speed potential also does NOT enter into the equation. There are plenty of Miata's that could beat your mythical 750 hp car unless you are an expert driver.. Buy a 370Z and put your money into a good driving school. You'll go faster, look better doing it, and have way less aggravation..
He's already made a concession for driveability and reliability by aiming for a mere 750hp. Otherwise he'd be shooting for 1000.
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