Originally Posted by USMCASA
float your clutch after dropping it from 4k then when you feel them grab all the way just push more into the throttle. any car with a stick if you just dump the clutch and stomp the gas will spin, a good launch is all about technique.
Thanks USMCASA. I try to not to just dump the clutch and mash the gas. I've actually never tried your technique. I'll give it a shot.
Here's me normally at a stoplight...

spin spin spin spin.... moderately get moving... shift... a little more of a spin... finally hook up.
BTW, don't listen to that M4A1Mustang guy. The color of his car makes me want to puke. He can't get a good launch just because of those "Custom Curb Racing Stripes" he "applied" to 3 of his wheels.