Originally Posted by kenchan
your paint background does sound very credible, but no need to squash
other people's post just because YOU under-estimate the regular joe.
im sure you know abrasive itself is only part of the equation when it comes
to sanding (just like polishing). how much pressure and how many cycles
also determine how much rust/paint it will take off. 400 grit to remove
rust is nothing out of the ordinary. if someone said to take a large
wire brush on it, then i might start freaking out like you did. 
But here's where you flaw in your thinking.
You always underestimate the average Joe when giving out this type of advice! To assume that the average Joe has some experience in this arena without them telling you so is the formula for disaster. That would be like having someone text your while trying to land a plane with no experience. You could give them step by step directions but if they have never done it before, you can bet the house that the results are not going to be positive. That's why I try and choose the safest advice possible, or tell them to avoid the whole situation all together. Sandpaper takes experience and 400 grit is not a learning grit for novices on finished paint. Sanding a rusty center console that they will be spraying paint on may be a different story.
Again I say, never suggest a novice do something to their car that you wouldn't allow them to do own your own car. That way, they won't have to start a thread on how to fix the new damage that they just did. Call me overly safe but to date my advice has never burned anyone, and I give out a massive amount of advice on over 20 different forums.