Okay... So the other I took my car in because I had some minor audio problems with the car...
Thankfully there was no problems to start off with...
So i get into my car... I press the clutch and start the car... And usually I start the car and put my iphone in to setup the music... But right when I start the car and let of the clutch... The car made the biggest jerk ever and just shut down... I WAS LIKE WTF JUST HAPPENED?!??!?!?!?!?!?! and i looked and it was in first gear. The technician(to me an assbag, lol excuse my language ^_^;

left it in first...
Now I have seen lot of people doing this...
Is there any benefits to this?
Also when you leave it in first... do u put ur gear in first and turn ur car off? or turn your car off and put it in first?