Originally Posted by neveucd
Have you ever been forced to go through it as soon as you hit it and no place to U-turn because of a median, and a crap load of traffic directly behind you inching forward for you to move the hell out the way. Umm guess not. Imagine every street you turn on is flooded...galleria area. But yea this instance happened while exiting a parking lot while it was pouring rain, once I hit the gated arm there was a deep dip as stated above, and the nose of the car went under, and engine immediately died. You act like you can foresee all circumstances and events. I for one didn't know water was going to be there until I visually saw it. Anyways go ahead and take your chances with Injen, they obviously make the shields for a reason. I suppose they've had this complaint before...hmm
I was in the EXACT same situation last week. There was water everywhere but not more than 2-3". Then I made a right turn and bam, I'm forced to drive through 6" of water. I couldn't avoid or make u turn as it's a busy street and cars are waiting behind me. Luckily I don't have Injens

. I drove through water like this