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Old 12-12-2008, 06:11 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sbsmoov View Post
What's your opinion?

Do you support a bailout or do you think a restructuring via bankruptcy is the best way to go?

Here's mine--I think a well organized bankruptcy process is the way to go. Those profit killing UAW contracts need to be renegotiated so that GM can be competitive again--the current contracts can only be nullified via a bankruptcy process.Throwing money (15 billion+) at an inefficient company (like GM), which is already 62 billion+ in debt and burning money at an alarming rate is just flushing tax payer dollars down the crapper. It will just pay their bills for a few more months and then they will be back on Capitol Hill again asking for more--like a fat man at a buffet after eating his first plate.
I agree! They got their *** into failure, let them get out of it on their own!

We can do without any article of luxury we have never had; but once obtained, it is not in human nature to surrender it voluntary.
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