Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI
Well, to properly check every single camshaft/eccentric shaft journal, cap, etc for roundness and wear would take some serious labor. The OP should at least force them to do a thorough inspection of every component in the engine. And that plus proper reassembly (and associated risk) is probably just as expensive due to labor costs as getting a new long block or whole crate engine put in.
Nissan has to reimburse the dealer for labor and parts costs, so they'll probably go with the option least likely to produce a repeat incident. Which that is, who knows.
If it were me, I'd replace the shortblock and be OK with it, but I don't even trust the dealer to change my oil, yet alone the lower end of my motor. That's my concern more so than whether the replacement lower end fixes the issue.
Nissan will only pay the dealer however long nissan says it takes to repair a part, thats how warranty works. Generaly repairs like that take longer than what nissan pays and isnt beneficial to the dealer at all. So they will take whichever route is easier. Id want a new engine too but I dont think its going to happen.
PS: I broke my engine in hard and havent had any oil consumption problems. only time my car ever consumed some oil was before the first oil change and it was only like half a quart.