Originally Posted by Daishi
You can point these out to the service manager and such but they will most likely not change out the entire engine unless absolutely necessary. Nissan is going to approve the minimum amount of work required to fix the car. Until that motor is actualy pulled apart and checked to see if more damage has occured they will most likely stick to the original repair.
Well, to properly check every single camshaft/eccentric shaft journal, cap, etc for roundness and wear would take some serious labor. The OP should at least force them to do a thorough inspection of every component in the engine. And that plus proper reassembly (and associated risk) is probably just as expensive due to labor costs as getting a new long block or whole crate engine put in.
Nissan has to reimburse the dealer for labor and parts costs, so they'll probably go with the option least likely to produce a repeat incident. Which that is, who knows.
If it were me, I'd replace the shortblock and be OK with it, but I don't even trust the dealer to change my oil, yet alone the lower end of my motor. That's my concern more so than whether the replacement lower end fixes the issue.