Originally Posted by phelan
There's still quite a few 40ths to be had. Wouldn't worry about it, though if it does come down to a replacement I'd get on it pretty quick. But support around the radiator...might still be repairable. Won't be pretty, but repairable.
Also, faulty remote starter is almost grounds for a lawsuit.
I know there are some 40th's out there but, I am concerned about how long this might take. I don't want an ugly car that is just pieced together. I bought it for several reasons. Once I found out the remote was faulty, I knew I had to do something. I am awaiting reports from the engineer and the insurance company. That itself will take awhile. After that, I guess I will have to consult an attorney. I am not a sue happy person and really don't know how to go about it.........I will be patient and wait though. One step at a time. I just hate the fact that my car is sitting out there and I am paying on it and can't drive it.