Originally Posted by tomnavone
You must be little late to the party. Its not like its been a few days or a few weeks its been 7 weeks. Go ahead and spend $10,000 on a kit and install to have your car inoperable. Then let me know how u feel 
I'm not at all saying they are in the right or giving them a free pass to take forever with a fix, though them taking forever with a fix and someone driving a car with a tune thats known to be faulty are two seperate issues.
Personally yes I believe Stillen should be stepping up and helping these guys that were shipped what they thought was a good kit only to have it diable their car for approaching two months now, course that is all between them and stillen. I didn't mean to imply in my first post that I thought the people with disabled cars should just suck it up and give Stillen a free pass.