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Old 08-18-2010, 07:58 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wolf370z View Post
Yes, the low key looks of the exhaust is actually perfect. Besides FI you can really only make tips/exhaust look good. Definitely not "fart can" status and certainly fits well with the sports car attitude of the Z. Not to mention it's great for ground clearance... it actually looks very similar to stock and I already like the way it looks.

I'd say the berk cbe coupled with the hfc really transforms the car and the exhaust is -- like someone else said -- no longer a sound but a tone

At least that's what I'm heard from videos until I get mine installed... either thurs or fri!!!!
A tone is exactly what I said about my Berk CBE when I installed it in April. The sound is stunning.
SOLD MY Z MARCH 2018 - another Core OG moves on - new ride 2019 Z Corvette Grand Sport - no mods necessary but already have eyes on HFC and intakes LOL IT NEVER ENDS.
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